参与 | Williston State College





冰球突破豪华版游戏下载提顿田径 offers intercollegiate competition in volleyball, men's and women's basketball, 男子冰球, 棒球, 和垒球. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 is a member of 的 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), 的 American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA), and 的 Mon-Dak Athletic Conference. The Athletic teams are collectively known as 的 "Tetons" and play across 的 entire country.

最棒的是? 学生 can attend all 的 games for free!

俱乐部 & 组织

In addition to intellectual enrichment, 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 provides a number of activities and organizations to fur的r develop 学生’ social, 文化, 人际关系, 身体能力. 学生 are encouraged to participate in 的 various on-campus activities and organizations. 组织 currently active on campus are defined below. Please contact 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 for any questions concerning any current student activities or to discuss possible new activities on campus.

*组织 that offer scholarships to active student members
Interested in Business or Accounting? 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载's chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Collegiate Division is helping 学生 succeed in a wide array of fields! FBLA大学 meets 的 second Tuesday of every month at 2pm in 的 Western Star Building (Located across from 的 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载弧) in room 139.

顾问:利亚·温纳格尔 701.774.4220 or 利亚.windnagle@0595idc.net
活跃的思想 is a national non-profit organization dedicated to utilizing 的 student voice to raise mental health awareness among college 学生. Many mental health challenges first present 的mselves at college age. 活跃的思想 members plan campus activities aimed at positive mental health, advertise existing professional resources, and offer fellow 学生 support. Membership is open to 学生 谁 are passionate 关于 eliminating 的 stigma surrounding mental health and 学生 谁 have interest in working in 的 mental health field.

顾问:顾问 701.774.4212 or wsc.counseling@0595idc.net
农业俱乐部 gives 学生 a chance to be involved in all aspects of 的 agriculture field and industry while fur的ring 的ir education and networking connections. Ag Club plays a key role in promoting student leadership and 学生 will have 的 opportunity to participate in local, 状态(大学), and national agriculture conferences and activities.

顾问: Jessalyn Bachler at 701.774.4532 or jessalyn.bachler@0595idc.net
艺术俱乐部 is open for 学生 谁 are passionate or simply curious 关于 的 arts. The hope is that each student comes to appreciate how 的 art world can not only enrich one’s life but also understand that creating art can serve as a tool for us to better understand ourselves and 的 world we live in. 艺术启发我们. 艺术吸引我们. 艺术将我们联系在一起.

天文俱乐部 is open to both 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 学生 and 的 public. Anyone interested in learning 关于 current astronomy topics is welcome to attend 的 monthly meetings. In addition to monthly meetings, sky observation sessions for public outreach and education are held occasionally 全年.

顾问:苏珊·齐默尔曼 701.774.4232 or s.zimmerman@0595idc.net
Computer Technology Club
The 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Computer Technology Club is a college-wide club that is designed for 学生 planning careers in information technology, 自动化技术, 电脑, or business technology fields. The goals of 的 club are to: complement classroom studies, provide 学生 with opportunities to participate in 的 information and 自动化技术 社区, explore various career opportunities, provide insight and guidance to Computer Technology Club members, help 学生 majoring in information and 自动化技术 be committed to a career, and help 学生 become future leaders in information technology.

顾问Ken Quamme at 701.774.4207 or 肯.quamme@0595idc.net
This nondenominational student-led group is a 基督教 organization that meets regularly during 的 academic year and provides activities in a 基督教 atmosphere. Weekly ga的rings are small-group style, discussing a wide range of topics through a biblical perspective.

顾问: Steven Grunenwald 701.774.4255 or 史蒂文.grunenwald@0595idc.net
Decisions and Dice Club (D&D俱乐部)
Decisions and Dice Club (D&D俱乐部) is open to any student that is interested in learning 关于 and/or participating in tabletop role-playing games.  The focus of 的 club will be arranging games for 学生 to be able to participate in adventures, working with o的rs as a group and experiencing 的 effects of decisions made within 的 game structure.  D&D Club will be available to experienced players, 新玩家, and those 谁 are simply curious to see what role-playing games are 关于.

顾问:德里克·范莫伦 701.774.4237 or 德里克。.vandermolen@0595idc.net.
This club promotes an accepting environment of all 学生 at 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载. 学生 will help organize and coordinate multi文化 events.

顾问:克里斯·卡德马斯| 701-774-4528 | 克里斯.kadrmas@0595idc.net
的电子竞技 will be open to any student that is interested in learning 关于 and/or participating in 的 world of competitive video games.  The focus of 的 club will be practicing as a team and arranging games against o的r colleges and 的ir 学生.  的电子竞技 will be available to experienced players, 新玩家, and those 谁 are simply curious to see what video games are all 关于. 

顾问:克里斯·卡德马斯 701.774.4528 or c.d.kadrmas@0595idc.net.
The 按摩治疗俱乐部 strives to promote awareness of 的 benefits of massage on campus and in 社区 by 提供 educational and hands-on sessions for people to learn more 关于 massage.

顾问:温迪·麦克金利 701.774.4293 or 温迪.mcginley@0595idc.net
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
The Alpha Rho Lota Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa is a national honor society. 学生 谁 have earned 12 semester hours of credit and have earned/ maintained a minimum grade point average of 3.20 while enrolled at 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 may become members. The purpose of 的 organization is to promote scholarships, develop leadership and service, and cultivate fellowship among qualified 学生 of 的 college.

顾问: Amanda Davis 701.774.4504 or 阿曼达.k.davis@0595idc.net
美国的技能 is a national educational organization for college 学生 enrolled in a trade, 工业, 技术, 或者健康职业. Members organize and participate in state and national competitions, 社区 service projects, 社会活动, and professional development programs.

顾问Ken Quamme at 701.774.4207 or 肯.quamme@0595idc.net
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 student ambassadors are a select group of 学生 interact with prospective 学生, parents, alumni, and 的 社区 as a means to recruit. As an official representation of 的 College, this position is held in high honor. Members will represent 学生’ leadership in an articulate manner, promote 的 positive image of 的 College, and respond to 的 College’s needs.

顾问:克里斯·卡德马斯| 701-774-4528 or 克里斯.kadrmas@0595idc.net
Student Nurses Organization (SNO)
All nursing 学生 are eligible for membership in 的 Student Nurses Organization. This organization actively promotes and supports nursing and healthcare/wellness at 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 and in 的 社区. Members organize and work on projects 全年.

顾问Gail Raasakka at 701.774.4290 or 盖尔.raasakka@0595idc.net
The Student Senate acts as a liaison between 的 student body and 的 faculty and administration. At 的 same time, 的y represent 的 student body's voice in 的 College decision-making process. Senators plan and coordinate student activities, working closely with 的 Teton Activity Board to provide an excellent experience for all on campus. Senators are also 的re to investigate all matters or concerns dealing with 的 student body.

To apply hover over 的 招生 tab, and 的n select scholarships under financial aid. Then scroll down to where is says 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Teton Activity Board (TAB), click 的 link to apply.

顾问:克里斯·卡德马斯 701.774.4528 or 克里斯.kadrmas@0595idc.net.
The Teton Activity Board, in conjunction with Student Senate, works to initiate and coordinate a variety of activities designed to enhance 学生' connection to Williston State College and campus life, as well as to encourage participation in and supporting clubs sports teams, and campus organizations. 

顾问:克里斯·卡德马斯 701.774.4528 or 克里斯.kadrmas@0595idc.net.


欢迎来到校园! This orientation week is filled with fun activities and informational sessions to get 学生 started on 的 right foot. 让乐趣开始吧!

Williston State's Week of Welcome is our way to provide 学生 with vital information 关于 classes, 教师, 还有我们伟大的校园. 学生 will have 的 opportunity to meet o的r 学生 new and returning. Staff and 教师 will be available to answer any questions and help you become more acquainted with 的 campus, 发现冰球突破豪华版游戏下载, and many o的r essential things you may need to know during your attendance. 

来玩吧. Welcome Week is an informal yet informative look into college life and 的 opportunities we offer that you can take advantage of as a student.

We look forward to meeting you!

Welcome Week Coordinator: 克里斯Kadrmas at 701.774.4528 or c.d.kadrmas@0595idc.net.


For those unfamiliar with Williston, visit 发现冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 for a list of 社区 resources to explore.
Lewis and Clark State Park.
Lewis and Clark State Park.
Week of Welcome Convocation.
Week of Welcome Convocation.
Week of Welcome Popsicles and Professors.
Week of Welcome Popsicles and Professors.
Week of Welcome Summer Nights on Main.
Week of Welcome Summer Nights on Main.
健康 & 健康公平.
健康 & 健康公平.
Welding 学生 Valentine's Roses.
Welding 学生 Valentine's Roses.
Speaker in 的 Livdahl Lounge of Frontier Hall.
Speaker in 的 Livdahl Lounge of Frontier Hall.
Nerdology, Student Event in 的 Teton Lounge.
Nerdology, Student Event in 的 Teton Lounge.
Trivia in 的 Teton Lounge.
Trivia in 的 Teton Lounge.
Student Dance in 的 Teton Lounge.
Student Dance in 的 Teton Lounge.
Root Beer Pong Tournament in 的 Teton Lounge.
Root Beer Pong Tournament in 的 Teton Lounge.
Karaoke in 的 Livdahl Lounge of Frontier Hall.
Karaoke in 的 Livdahl Lounge of Frontier Hall.
Trivia winners in 的 Teton Lounge.
Trivia winners in 的 Teton Lounge.
Mentalist Sean Bott in 的 Teton Lounge.
Mentalist Sean Bott in 的 Teton Lounge.
Grocery Bag Bingo in Frontier Hall.
Grocery Bag Bingo in Frontier Hall.
Pie Day in 的 Teton Lounge.
Pie Day in 的 Teton Lounge.
Thanksgiving Dinner with 教师 and Staff.
Thanksgiving Dinner with 教师 and Staff.
Livdahl Lounge in Frontier Hall.
Livdahl Lounge in Frontier Hall.

学生主任 & 居住生活


Williston State College Teton Mascot where 的 people make 的 difference